The Unspoken Truth About Marital Rape in India: A Wake-up Call


Marital rape is a serious issue in India, as well as in many other countries around the world. It is defined as non-consensual sexual intercourse by a husband with his wife. Despite the fact that it is a criminal offense, it is not recognized as a crime in India. 

This is a problematic viewpoint, as it disregards the autonomy and agency of the wife. Just because a woman is married, it does not mean that she loses the right to control her own body and make decisions about whether or not to engage in sexual activity. Marital rape is a form of domestic violence and can have severe psychological, physical and sexual consequences for the victim.

There have been several efforts to criminalize marital rape in India. In 2013, the Indian government introduced an amendment to the penal code which made marital rape a crime, if the wife was below the age of 18. However, this still left the majority of married women in India without legal protection against rape by their husbands.

In 2018, the Indian government proposed a bill to criminalize marital rape, but it has yet to be passed. The bill faced opposition from several groups, including conservative religious groups, who argue that criminalizing marital rape would weaken the institution of marriage.

It is important to note that marital rape is not only a problem in India, but also a global issue. According to a study by the World Health Organization, up to 37% of women in the world have experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner, including rape.

It is crucial that the Indian government takes action to criminalize marital rape and provide legal protection for married women. This can be done by amending the Indian Penal Code and raising awareness about the issue through education and public campaigns. It is also important for the society to change their mindset and understand that marriage does not give anyone the right to control over someone else's body and sexual choices.

In conclusion, marital rape is a serious issue in India and needs to be addressed through legal and societal changes. It is important that the government takes action to criminalize marital rape and provide legal protection for married women. It is also important for society to change their mindset and understand that marriage does not give anyone the right to control over someone else's body and sexual choices.